Find The Right Products For The Job

I want to...

—Manage the water in my drainage system, pond, wetland, or manure application.

          Products: Inline or Inlet Water Level Control Structures, Water Gate
                          Corrugated Plastic Tubing & Metal Pipe, Fittings, Fish Screen, Check Valve,
                          Slide Gate Valve, Flap Gate, Anti-Seep CollarsBar Guard, Rat Guard,
                          Lubriplate Grease

—Make watertight junctions and connections.

          Products: Amazing Tile Tape

—Keep debris and rodents out of my drainage system.

          Products: Bar Guard, Rat Guard, External Guard, Water Quality Inlet
                          Quick Drain RiserQuick Drain Inlet, Hickenbottom Intake,
                          Precision IntakeSteel RiserSteel Intake, GrateTrash Guard

—Prevent backflow in my drainage system.

          Products: Check ValveFlap Gate