Find The Right Products For The Job
I want to...
—Manage the water in my drainage system, pond, wetland, or manure application.
Products: Inline or Inlet Water Level Control Structures, Water Gate,
Corrugated Plastic Tubing & Metal Pipe, Fittings, Fish Screen, Check Valve,
Slide Gate Valve, Flap Gate, Anti-Seep Collars, Bar Guard, Rat Guard,
Lubriplate Grease
—Make watertight junctions and connections.
Products: Amazing Tile Tape
—Keep debris and rodents out of my drainage system.
Products: Bar Guard, Rat Guard, External Guard, Water Quality Inlet,
Quick Drain Riser, Quick Drain Inlet, Hickenbottom Intake,
Precision Intake, Steel Riser, Steel Intake, Grate, Trash Guard
—Prevent backflow in my drainage system.
Products: Check Valve, Flap Gate