3' x 3' Anti-Seep Collar

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Item #: ASC03

Price: $85.14


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Anti-Seep Collars help keep your pipe from being washed out.

  • Recommeded for use with 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", & 12" pipe sizes.
  • Works with any smoothwall pipe or corrugated plastic tubing.
  • Constructed of 1/16" gum rubber with a wooden frame.
  • Tan floating stock has superior resilience, elongation, and tear strength, and is resistant to water, most salts, mild acids, and many other chemicals.
  • Economical and easy to install.
  • Anti-Seep Collar Spec Sheet

"Very easy to assemble and install. Our inspector loved them." -Customer in Terryville, CT