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Agri Drain Standard Bar Guards help eliminate plugged inlets. Manufactured in the USA by Agri Drain Corp.
Custom Fabrication
Call with specs for a FREE quote!
Call To Order (800) 232-4742
4" Std Yellow Bar Guard
5" Std Yellow Bar Guard
6" Std Yellow Bar Guard
8" Std Yellow Bar Guard
8" HB* Std Yellow Bar Guard
For Hickenbottom Intakes
10" Std Yellow Bar Guard
10" HB* Std Yellow Bar Guard
12" Std Yellow Bar Guard
15"/12" HB* Std Yellow Bar Guard
For 15" Pipe & 12" Hickenbottom Intakes
18" Std Yellow Bar Guard
21" Std Yellow Bar Guard
24" Std Yellow Bar Guard
30" Std Yellow Bar Guard
36" Std Yellow Bar Guard
42" Std Yellow Bar Guard
48" Std Yellow Bar Guard